

Luciferian (freemasonic) plan of scourges.

This is proof, that 9/11 (beside else) was planned beforehand, on this day (2001-09-11) and on this place (New York).
Other interesting items on the plan:

Why jew-freemasonic?
The plan was designed by english freemason A.E.Waite, and it is encoded in pictorial hebrew.
If you see, who forecasted, known ahead, abused, and swept 9/11 below rug, it is too evident, that it was (some of) jews, and even if some pawn was saudi, it was just their tool...
(But if you also learn, that Mohammed Atta, whose passport was left on WTC ruins by newyork police (it could not fall there from the plane!), who catched him, while he was carrying explosives below some bridge over the river, because that catastrophe should have been even broader, but some was averted, it is clear, that at least one of those alleged pilotes of those planes is fake, very probably all those arab pawns were falsely accused(?), but it doesn't matter much...)

911 evidence, for ex... - sees some of (real) pawns...
(Just a side-note: it is symbolical, that main share of sweeping 911 below rug had Chertoff (means devilish, chief of FBI) and Hellerstein (local judge), but it was foreseen by many profiteers, and later abused by warmongers...)

Instead of "jewish freemasons" it would be more correct to say "Luciferians" (it's for a longer explanation, but at least see A.Pike !)
And it is racially neutral, but it more looks like a superstition or fairy-tale (which it is not...). And it's not right to throw all jews into one bag ...

Tarot is anti-Torah... See card 10, one way you read "TORA", the opposite direction "TAROT"...

I had a dream (some half a year ago), which I considered important and written it down and now I understood the connection - in it a figure named "Pike" (surely thus, and I didn't know him or didn't understand the connection...) climbed a mountain and proclaimed: "I relinquish the heritage", and all were rejoicing and celebrating (they looked suspiciously), a snow dragon rose and probably fell to pieces. I aroused and asked: "And what do you, God, wish?" I fell asleep again and I've seen a picture: "alive balance (scales)" (probably?), just a head and on flat back loaded weight (bob)... Supposed to judge (weight), as I understood...? (I'm not sure, how and if I understood it.) I aroused again...

If you are leftist and welcome refugees (migrant invaders, defectors), you are an Oligarch mercenary and you are serving same plan, that brought Hitler, Hiroshima, 9/11 ...! A traitor to leftism and traitor to us, The People...
If you are clergy and preach to welcome migrants, you are serving Luciferian plans !
Rethink your stances, please.
(Many were just mistaken and deceived, but now comes the time to know and to voluntarily decide the side...)

Further on 911 planning:



(Matrix film, Neo's passport expires 2001-09-11... A coincidence?)  

(Mohammed Atta's driving license also expires on 2001-09-11... A coincidence?)  














Luciferians, (just examples):