LORD God optimistic about Musk Twitter deal, warns of Cult

(Musk Twitter Smiley 2022-10-27 .. 30)

There has been a Smiley face displayed on the Sun in late October, which NASA tweeted and multiple tech news republished, but none of them noticed, that there has been literally written "Smiley" above it when it was turned toward Earth on 2022-10-27, the day when Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter has been completed...

As the Smiley turned aside, on 2022-10-30 it was formed as a Twitter bird, just turned Left instead of Right, with "Musc" and "Twitter" written above it, and "Cult" or "System Cult" written below... (The "k" in "Musk" most probably overflowed above the North pole onto opposite side...?)

Elon Musk's Twitter bargaining over the last half year exposed huge amount of influencer Robots, and huge systemic Censorship of Right-wing people and of Covid informations, falsely labeling them "misinformation", which are just "informations they hate". And now ask - what are you depraved or forced to hear, who influences you and why?!

The new "Chief Twit" Elon Musk insists that he has not purchased Twitter to “make more money,” but rather to “help humanity.” Musk said that he acquired Twitter in order to turn it into “a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence.” That sounds promising and I hope these and similar expectations will be at least partially fulfilled...

Deposed Twitter exec "Indians" were disposable... Their dismising will satiate revenge feelings for Covid Genocide they caused by their Censorship. Paul Singer, Jewish Vulture Capitalist and previous Twitter owner since March 2020, of whom no one is speaking recently, walks with $ billions without any single damage, without even discussing his role in Covid Censorship... Of cause the Covid Vax lies and Trump's and others' firing from that Platform were instructed and confirmed by this former Jewish ownership... And chief perpetrators now just simply vanish into other Big Tech giants... And still to recent days they were censoring and deleting various important videos and messages...

The Authoritarian Regimes, like the Evil Union (EU) Brusel Bolsheviks, immediatelly exclaimed, that their rules of Censoring the Truth and depraving people to hear, what these Bureaucrats want to withold, will have to be obeyed further... They seem to be very afraid of letting Truth to go free among The People...

And soon the known Jewish hate groups led by ADL organized a boycott of advertizers as an extortion attempt to block liberating the Free Speech and Truth they call "Hate"...

Meanwhile most opposition to globalists, and censored groups like Christians and Russians moved to Gab or Telegram and elsewhere, which have been now more free and fair... (But Telegram requires App, which can never be secure...) Text length limits on Twitter are reducing people to emoticons and tl;dr primitivism...

Think more, why LORD God has written "Cult" about "Twitter"...

To put the Smiley Coronal holes into longer perspective, here is a same place in eight consecutive rotations of the Sun, showing, how that Smiley evolved in place, where in May there has been huge Z turned right, displayed at the time of Azov Nazi surrender:

The darker coronal holes form, when nearby powerful region sucks or blows away the gas of Solar clouds, they are usually above places with weak magnetic field, and they usually close up after few weeks or months. Seeing an Active Region inside the Coronal Hole is rather rare... The more subtle dark regions and lines are probably various types of places with somehow colder coronal gas, which the LORD God sometimes uses to write various inscriptions... These Solar Clouds are far from the reach of Earthly oligarchs to influence them in any way, while the observations can usually be confirmed from multiple sources, although NASA/SDO is by far the best one so far... These Ultra-Violet Solar Clouds can be observed only from orbit above ozone layer (Rev21:1)...

The bright orange images are derived from NASA/SDO AIA 193 channel with huge contrast enhancement (using local histogram equalization), placed on white background to conserve printer toner...

Written by P.A.Semi 2022-11-04