Remark about blunder of "Equality"
In response to Brian Shilhavy article about Equality
(the remark has been censored so far in discussion)
While I agree with most else of what you write (foremost about pharmakeia cults), this one about Equality is just opposite of the Truth!
Nowhere in the Bible is anything about Equality.
Equality is The Leaven of the Pharisees! It was introduced by Freemasons in American Constitution and is the core of Marxist Bolshevik teaching, and it is the source of most of today's Wrongs.
We are not Equal (0), zero difference, instead we are Unique (1) and Different, and understanding this is a matter of Life or Dissipation by Assimilation, since those Equal with Zero Difference have Zero Meaning and can be freely replaced by anyone else. Because your Meaning is in that, in what you Differ from others and for what you cannot be replaced...
There is no equality of Right and Wrong, of Healthy and Ill, of Beneficial and Harmful, of Straight and Pervert. Men and Women are complementary, but not equal. The Diabolic Marxists are trying to convince you everything is Equal, but it is not. And to prevent you from understanding that, they introduced CRT with inverted racism, saying that wrong is right and right is wrong, in order that you oppose it and defend their Marxist Lie, that "no, we are not wrong racists, but we are all equal"... Just as those Marxists intended...
There are many examples in Bible, where God favored someone before someone else, foremost Abel before Kain, then Isaac before Ishmael and Ketura sons,
The Revelation 7:9 and 14:6 speak of Ethnics and Nations and Languages and Congregations. All these are Distinct and should stay Distinct. The Angel with the New Evangelium is not going to say to all of these to let be Abolished and to Perish, on contrary it is necessary to say, that you are Different from all others, and you are worth to be preserved, because the true macroscopic Diversity, which is Difference, is nice and marvelous, but it can be irrecoverably destroyed by mixing all together, everywhere same mixture of gray mud...
The new Kingdom of God among else says: Know and love who you are, know who you are not. Love your brethren, and respect others in their difference, unless they harm your brethren. It is possible to love even your Enemy, but loving Enemy of your Brethren is Treason, the worst of sins...
Foremost consider, that Nations and Ethnics are almost Eternal Beings, which we people just carry through the present from our ancestors to our posterity, and these Nations and Ethnics are almost eternal as long as their constituents are conscious of their Difference and maintain their separation from others... Only when they'll forget their difference and meaning, then they would be assimilated into surroundings and would perish...
Be conscious of your Collectives - nations and ethnics and languages and congregations, you are different and worth preserving... Only those Equal are worthless and can be replaced...
In this scheme, social classes are just different parts of the Ethnic or National body, and these should cooperate, although with different roles, but not struggle against each other... This national unity of different parts is the Justice (1Cor12:14-27), but leveling the better to the level of the average is harmful injustice damaging all...
The coming Kingdom of God is going to proclaim and support sovereign regional democracies, not the diabolic "one world" totalitarian and bureaucratic government, it is going to support self-governing liberty of ethnics and nations, not the enslavement by bureaucratic and authoritarian globalism...