The word of the LORD God came on the Sun on 2022-10-07, on the 70th birthday of Vladimir Putin, saying on consecutive days: "Fuck Joe Harris, Pentagon rise, Use Arms", possibly saying "Putin, Fuck & Finish Joe Harris, Trump with Pentagon rise or Putin use Arms"…
Some may consider the word "Fuck" to be somehow rude or obscene, but it seems recently it became part of normal profane talk, usually in the sense of "to deal with unfairly or harshly", and often in other meanings…
The word became so ubiquitous and normal, that the Czech (pronounced Čzekh, or Check) minister of defense, an evil and stupid whore, rusophobe liar and supporter of Terrorism, on that same day made a selfie in a T-shirt with words "Fuck You Putin" and an Ukrainian skeleton displaying their absolute and even postmortem hate against fair Putin, and as a representative of temporarily presiding country of EU donated that T-shirt to an Ukrainian UN envoy…
(Je to zlá pyšná blbka, ale tohle se jí fak-t povedlo… Mimo jiné je "zlá a blbá", protože jí jako jediné z oficiálních představitelů nedošlo, proč by neměla veřejně slavit teroristickou vraždu Darji Duginové… A to triko je ztělesněním Lži a Nenávisti až za hrob…)
In some lands, the word "Fuck" is not considered too much dirty even for official government-level events…
Most probably that Word of God was meant as another October Surprise before the upcomming November elections, where the Red Wave is expected to swing the House onto a fair Red side, unless the elections will be stolen as last time, when US Theft has been accomplished by a giant Vote Fraud for Joe "Abaddon" Biden, wreck of a former gangster but now rather a senile imbecile puppet of Jewish Oligarchs, just reap for Amendment 25 section 3 impeachment, while about the present VP Kamala Harris the LORD God has written last year: "Harris RIP, Foreign born", which are two options to deal (fuck off) with Harris… You can easily recognize Dishonest and Corrupted Liars among Media and Politicians, who are trying to claim, that claims about Biden's Vote Fraud were "False"…
This will leave the Presidency for the Speaker of the House, which by that time should be some fair Republican, and not that stupid evil and corrupted hag N. Pelosi, who is occupying that position now…
The Red Wave is really needed this time, and while it is expected and deserved, you Americans need to take special care of another Election Fraud diverting it from you…
If you are US Republican, don't forget to go voting, your ballot is also needed…
If you are US Democrat, rethink your stance or at least abstain. Consider what Tulsi Gabbard truthfully said about that Demoncratic lunacy currently ruling The West, or as abbreviated and commented by SGT Report…
I really hope this was a Burial Speech of that "Woke" Insanity of The West, which can make many to be Awaken instead and refrain from that Lunacy pretending to be "Leftist" while serving only the interests of richest of Oligarchs…
The abstract of that phenomenal speech is: "I can no longer remain in todays Democratic Party, that's under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers, who are driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racialising every issue and stoking anti-white racism, who actively worked to undermine our God-given freedoms, that are shrined in our Constitution, who are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, who demonized the police to protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, who believe in open borders, who weaponize the national security state to go after their political opponents, and above all, who are dragging us ever closer to Nuclear war. Now I believe in a government, that's of the people, by the people and for the people. Unfortunately, todays Democratic party does not, instead it stands for a government, that is of, by and for the powerful elite. I'm calling on my fellow common-sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic party. If you can no longer stomach the direction, that the so called "Woke" Democratic party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me."
That would be a cute peaceful way of overcoming this Fraud and national Disaster, with Trump 2024 really Draining the Swamp of Deep State - but for that he must not surround himself with that same Swamp again, and beware of Judas Kushner and other similar traitors…
The other option is much less tranquil, that either a remnant of honest ones among your soldiers take up arms to clean up that Swamp, or there is an option, that Vladimir Putin can help you with the Cleanup of that Dragon, warmonger and the world's top sponsor and inciter of Terrorism and Wars… While that would be deserved, but the collateral damage from this solution could be huger than acceptable… Not in vain his shield is that of Saint George…
They've been so much bitching about "Insurrection" in relation to Jan 6 Riot - in order to "vaccinate" society against it, that they now deserve a real one…
Then few days later, the day after the 105th anniversary of Miracle of the Sun of Our Lady of Fatima, there has been a schematic map of America displayed on the Sun with the word Rise written on it...
I think rather everyone should better cleanup their own house themselves, than waiting for foreigners helping you getting rid of the Dragon oppressing you...
(It's a pity the article could not be published before the midterm elections...)
P.A.Semi - πα½ 2022-10-20