Discussion comments are stored on separate server, configurable near start of the script...
(Meanwhile the JavaScript module is not on HTTPS, but the discussion topics are transfered safe over HTTPS...)
Server side code will be released soon, see comments below... (Meanwhile it is only available as plugin for EvalWebServer, version for php is planned soon)
If you rename a web-page URL, the original Discussion is not accessible.
To use original discussion with renamed web-page, specify ArticleId before script:
ArticleId is generated by MD5 from web-page URL without ...:// prefix
and without possible ?suffix, using first 16 characters ...
If ArticleId is specified that is not hexadecimal string, it is thus converted...
User may edit or delete his own comments... (At time of release, editing is not supported)
Easiest way to include images is to paste them into the Message Editor,
or add them from file...
External Images by URL are at this moment served from original location,
but soon it will be changed and they will be uploaded to Discuss server...